直面难点 居安思危 上海长宁、闵行、化工区消防支队举行大型超市、化工装置灭火实战演练

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为进一步探索大型超市、化工装置的火灾扑救和人员逃生的规律,使火场逃生、救护与灭火达到有机统一,切实检验练兵成果,提高部队实战能力,近日,长宁、闵行、化工区等消防支队分别举行大型超市、化工装置灭火实战演练。8月25日晚上,长宁、闵行支队联合在古北家乐福超市举行灭火疏散演练。长宁公安分局局长吴永志、副区长周文贤、区公安分局副局长王雅清、市消防局司令部副参谋长汪永明、家乐福古北店总经理赫莫西等领导和嘉宾观摩了此次灭火演练活动。晚上11时50分许,联合灭火演习正式开始。演习假设:超市地下车库办公区发生火灾,火势通过电梯井迅速向上蔓延。超市员工发现后迅速展开自救,并向119指挥中心报警,同时组织现场人员向外疏散。随着火势的不断扩大,浓烟不断翻滚而出,超市内有数十人被浓烟围困,昏厥倒地,情况十分危急。长宁、闵行支队的抢险、云梯、北方奔驰水罐、AT消防车、水炮车、轻便摩托车等15辆消防车、近130名消防官兵接警后赶赴现场扑救。消防官兵到场后,及时采取灵活机动的战略战术,灭火与救人同时实施,有效地展开各项灭火战斗行动。近10分钟后,火灾被成功扑灭,全部被困人员安全得救,整个演练取得圆满成功。演练结束后,周文贤副区长对演练成功举行表示热烈祝贺,对灭火演练情况进行了点评,充分肯定了各单位能够密切配合、通力协作,火场指挥正确果断,处置迅速有 In order to further explore the laws of large-scale supermarkets and chemical plant firefighting and personnel evacuation, fire evacuation, ambulance and fire fighting have been organically unified to effectively test the achievements of military training and enhance their actual combat capability. Recently, fire brigade teams in Changning, Minhang and Chemical Industry Districts, respectively, Holding large-scale supermarkets, chemical fire fighting equipment combat exercises. On the night of August 25, Changning and Minhang detachments jointly held a fire evacuation drill at Gubei Carrefour Supermarket. Changning Public Security Bureau Director Wu Yongzhi, deputy mayor Zhou Wenxian, District Public Security Bureau deputy director Wang Yaqing, City Fire Department Command Deputy Chief Wang Yongming, Carrefour Gubei General Manager Hermione and other guests and leaders observed the fire Walkthrough activities. At 1150 hours Xu, the joint fire drill officially started. Exercise assumption: supermarket underground garage office fire, the fire spread rapidly through the elevator shaft. Supermarket employees found self-help quickly found, and 119 command center alarm, at the same time organize the evacuation of field personnel. With the continuous expansion of the fire, the thick smoke kept tumbling out. There were scores of people in the supermarket being besieged by smoke and fainting, and the situation was very critical. Changning, Minhang detachment of rescue, ladder, the northern Mercedes-Benz jugs, AT fire engines, water cannons, mopeds and other 15 fire engines, nearly 130 fire officers and soldiers rushed to the scene after the alarm. After the fire brigade arrives, promptly adopts the tactics and tactics that are flexible and maneuvering, fire extinguishing and rescue are carried out at the same time, carry out various fire fighting action effectively. Nearly 10 minutes later, the fire was successfully extinguished, all trapped people safe and secure, the entire exercise was a complete success. After the exercise, Vice Governor Zhou Wenxian extended his warm congratulation on the success of the drill and made comments on the fire fighting rehearsal. They fully affirmed that all units can work closely with each other and cooperate with each other in a concerted manner.
低剂量全身放射治疗(low-dose total body irradiation,LTBI)最早于上世纪70年代由Johnson和del Regato首次应用在淋巴细胞源性恶性疾病的治疗中并取得令人鼓舞的效果,从而开启了LTBI在临床上的应用研究.由于当时对其内在机制知之甚少,故临床研究缺乏理论支持和指导.直至80年代中期,美国加州大学Olivier和Wolff等发现细胞对低剂量辐射的适应性反应
爷爷年紀大了,他不爱抽烟,也不爱喝酒,打牌边成了他最大的乐趣。不过,你别担心,爷爷打牌身上从来不带钱,可时常有人问他,打牌怎么不来钱,爷爷总是笑着说:“打牌来钱是赌博,我从来不干!”  爷爷打牌的风格很高,在牌桌上他很尊重别人,有一次打80分,对方出错了牌,不好意思收回,爷爷看见了,笑着说:“我们重来吧!”  爷爷的牌艺也很精。不管什么牌到了爷爷的手里,像变成戏法似的,都能够转败为胜。记得去年寒假
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