乳香来源于橄榄科植物卡氏乳香树BoswelliacarterliBirdw .及同属多种植物树干切伤后渗出的油胶树脂 ;没药来源于橄榄科植物没药树Com miphoramyrrhaEngler及同属它种植物树干皮部渗出的油胶树脂。二者均为树脂类药物 ,在功效和应
The frankincense originated from the olive plant Boswellia carterii Birdw. and the oleaginous resins exuded from the stems of various plant species; the myrrh originated from the plant mimic tree plant Com miphoramyrrha Engler and the exudation of the plant trunks of the same species. Oil gel resin. Both are resinous drugs that are effective and effective