饲鸟病(Ornithosis)是由鸟类传染给人的疾病,病原体是病毒,传染源是患病的或带病毒的鸟。本文报道一次纺织工厂(即与鸟无直接联系的人群)饲鸟病流行的情况,1985年12月27日至1986年1月1日在卡缅斯克纺织工厂爆发急性热性病121例。患者体温39~40℃,寒战,肌肉痛和关节痛,咳嗽并有锈色痰,临床和X线诊断急性肺炎,怀疑为饲鸟病。这些病人都是纺织车间工人,车间粉尘浓度很高,通风条件不良。发病后工厂关闭,进行卫生整顿消毒。 1985年12月27日至1986年1月27日对130例病人进行血清学检查。每个病人取血样2~3份。用血清与饲鸟病抗原做补体结合反应及间接血球凝集反应。结果查出饲鸟病抗体阳性者109例,其中两种反
Ornithosis is a disease transmitted by birds to humans, the pathogen is a virus and the source of infection is a diseased or virus-bearing bird. This article reports on the prevalence of bird disease in a textile factory (ie, a population that is not directly linked to the bird) and 121 cases of acute febrile disease at the Kamansk textile factory from December 27, 1985 to January 1, 1986. Patient temperature 39 ~ 40 ℃, chills, muscle pain and joint pain, cough and rust phlegm, clinical and X-ray diagnosis of acute pneumonia, suspected of bird disease. These patients are textile workers, workshop dust concentration is high, poor ventilation. After the closure of the factory, health sanitation and disinfection. From December 27, 1985 to January 27, 1986, 130 patients underwent serology. Blood samples taken from each patient 2 to 3 copies. Serum and bird disease antigens complement complement reaction and indirect hemagglutination reaction. Results found that the antibody to the bird disease in 109 cases, of which two kinds of anti