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古今字与通假字是文字演变过程中出现的特殊用字现象,它们有许多相似之处,加上本身的复杂性成为我们阅读文言文的重要障碍,本文主要从古今字和通假字的概念、易混的原因和区分方法三个部分进行阐述,对我们阅读文言文有所帮助。 There are many similarities between ancient and modern characters and common characters, which have many similarities with the complexity of their own language. This article is mainly from the ancient and modern characters and the concept of Tongzi, Yi The reason of mixing and distinguishing method are explained in three parts, which helps us to read the classical Chinese.
五wǔ颗kē星xīnɡ,  照zhào天tiān空kōnɡ,  天tiān安ān门mén,  在zài正zhènɡ中zhōnɡ,  齿chǐ轮lún麦mài穗suì红hónɡ绸chóu绕rào,  看kàn见jiàn国ɡuó徽huī挺tǐnɡ起qǐ胸xiōnɡ!