《山西通志·气象志》的问世 ,给山西人民和热爱山西、关注山西、建设山西的人们提供了一本极具权威的气象史料工具书。该书由中华书局出版 ,全书10编39章 ,外加附录共66万字 ,全面、系统、科学地反映了山西气象事业发展的历史与现状 ,揭示了山西天气气候的基本特征及其
The advent of “Shanxi Tongzhi Meteorological Journal” provides an extremely authoritative meteorological historical reference book for people in Shanxi and people who love Shanxi, Shanxi and Shanxi. The book published by Zhonghua Book Company, the book 10 chapters 39 chapters, plus a total of 660000 words appendix, a comprehensive, systematic and scientific history of Shanxi meteorological development and the status quo, revealing the basic characteristics of weather and Shanxi and its