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随着我国国民经济的不断发展,全国电力供应紧张矛盾日益突出。为了适应多层次、多渠道加快电力建设的需要,华能国际电力开发公司在利用外资办电方面走出了一条新路子,并取得了成功的经验。 With the continuous development of our national economy, the contradiction between the national power supply and supply has become increasingly prominent. In order to meet the needs of multi-level and multi-channel efforts to speed up power construction, Huaneng Power International Development Corporation has come up with a new path of using foreign capital for power supply and has gained successful experience.
对介休县拟请提高村干部津贴及村经费开支标准的批覆民会财审字第十四号及民政字第二十二号呈请悉:令介休县人民政府 The approval of Jixiu County to increase the stand
摘 要:作业设计对于初中学生来说,是一个巩固学习成果的有效途径,在教学当中,英语教师作业设计的好坏直接影响其备课工作的展开,更是对教育目标实现的关键。本文针对关于初中英语作业设计的研究与实践作一些分析。  关键词:初中英语;作业设计;研究;实践  中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)18-041-01  0  前言  在新课改背景下,新课题计划在不
The thermal history of the Jiaodong region and adjacent provinces(Shandong and northern Jiangsu) have been extensively studied,particularly by apatite fission t