三月二十五日下午,“《中国书法》杂志年展(上海展)”和“上海青年书法家作品邀请展”同时在上海鲁迅纪念馆开幕。 “《中国书法》年展”以历届“全国中青年书法篆刻展”入选作者为征稿对象,采取累计积分的办法,达到一定的分值方可投稿。据悉,全国符合此展投稿条件的作者仅二百五十余人。该展的六十余件展品是从二百余件投稿作品中严格评审出来的,因此,比“全国中青年书法篆刻展”更具集中和浓缩的特点。
On the afternoon of March 25, the “China Calligraphy Magazine Annual Exhibition (Shanghai Exhibition)” and the “Invitation Exhibition of Shanghai Young Calligrapher Works” were also opened at the Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall. “China Calligraphy ” annual exhibition “to all ” national middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition "selected authors as the solicitation of articles, take the cumulative points approach, reach a certain score before submission. It is reported that only two hundred and fifty people are eligible to submit articles in this country. More than sixty exhibits of the exhibition are rigorously reviewed from more than 200 submitted works and are therefore more concentrated and concentrated than the National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition of Young and Middle Chinese.