The rapid development in the upper Mekong River in the form of large hydropower dams and reservoirs, large-scale irrigation schemes and rapid urban development is putting pressure on water resources. Recent research has concluded that these developments will result in changes in Mekong flow. These changes in flow rates threaten sensitive downstream rivers, especially the Tonle Sap, Tonle Sap, its flood plains, its promenade and protected areas by altering the flood pulsation system of this lake. This paper estimates the variation of flood pulsation parameters in Tonle Sap caused by the above-mentioned flow changes. The impact of the floodplain, as well as the loss of promenades and reserves, was analyzed using GIS methods. The relatively small rise in lake water levels in the dry season permanently inundates a disproportionately large area of flood plains, rendering flood plain vegetation unattainable and undermining the ecosystem productivity base. In order to preserve the ecosystem productivity of the Tonle Sap Lake, it is important to maintain the natural hydrology of the Mekong, especially the dry season.