We performed a pathological study of 127 eyes of 66 Armadillo larchs that were artificially infected with Leprosy at the Borstel Institute in West Germany, the Royal Institute of Tropical Diseases in the Netherlands and the Florida Institute of Technology in the United States. Although all animals were given a similar amount of leprosy by vein, the extent of intraocular lesions in the three animals was quite different. In order to further prevent and treat leprosy eyes in the future, it is hoped that a more consistent animal model of leprosy can be made. We analyze the possible causes of these differences. In the Borstel and Florida two groups of animals, the lesions were mild in 82% and 87%, respectively, and in severe cases 18% and 13%, respectively. No significant relationship was found between the severity of intraocular lesions and the duration of infection, as well as the amount of leprosy in the liver and spleen of animals. In the group of animals in Amsterdam, only mild lesions accounted for 20%, while severe ones accounted for 80%. Although the degree of intraocular lesions and infection time is short, as well as the amount of bacteria in animals no significant relationship between the liver, but the amount of bacteria in the spleen with parallel relationship. The analysis found differences in the operation of the three laboratories when animals were experimentally infected, mainly because the Amsterdam Institute did all animals (15) on the same day with leprosy taken from the spleen of an armadillo in the Borstel Institute Inoculation. Before inoculation, no freezing and rewarming were performed, and the suspension of the bacteria was ultrasonically treated at the time of inoculation. This group of animals heavier lesions and higher consistency may be related to this. In the future to make leprosy animal model, you can refer to this treatment.