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Jill stepped out of the stage door.It was raining.“Damn,”shethought.She’d blown the job.~1“It was only a tiny part in the cho-rus,”she comforted herself,“and there’s always tomorrow’s au-dition.”~2Back in the theatre,she noticed a bunch of roses waiting to bedelivered.She picked up the flowers and went round to the front Jill stepped out of the stage door. It was raining. “Damn, ” shethought. She’d blown the job. ~ 1 “It was only a tiny part in the cho-rus, ” she comforted herself, “and there’s always tomorrow’s au-dition. ” ~ 2Back in the theater, she noticed a bunch of roses waiting to bedelivered.She picked up the flowers and went round to the front
本文荣获1993年底北外澳大利亚研究中心举办的英语讲演比赛第一名。 This article won the first place at the English speaking competition held by the Northern Austra
为鼓励广大科技工作者在科研体制改革中脱颖而出,促进青年科技人员的快速成长,从根本上改变当前中壮年负担过重的状 In order to encourage the majority of scientists an
班克松(Pinus Banksiana Iamb)原产北美。乔木,耐寒、耐旱,早期速生。木材可用做纸浆和建筑用材。为了进一步探讨班克松的适宜生境,以便因地制宜进行引种。从1982年起在我省
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Taffie watched as herfather unloaded thetubs of fish from hisbattered trawler,“Morning,Taffie,”he grinned,droppinga tub half-filled with speckledflathead ont
研制了一种用于导波器件的宽带声光Bragg偏转叉指换能器,并给出了在Y切Ti:LiNbO3光波导上的实验结果。 A wideband acousto-optic Bragg deflection interdigital transducer for guided wav
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The landslide vitory bythe Labour Party inthis year’s generalelection was so overwhelmingthat it shocked everyone,in-cluding Labour and its leader,Tony Blair.