BALB / c mouse thymus was observed with serial sections of HE and Giemsa stained mouse embryos. 11d mouse embryo third pairs of pharyngeal endoderm and the third of the gill of the ectoderm close to each other, composed of thymus primordium, and visible lymphoblastoid cells moved thymus primordia. 12d mouse gill gut ectoderm surrounding pharyngeal endoderm. 13d embryonic gland primordia have formed a solid cell mass. The primordial lymphoblastoid cells increase, reaching about 10% of the total number of cells. 15d embryo glandular epithelium, medulla can be roughly identified, leucocythemia within the cortex significantly more cells than the medulla. 17 ~ 19d embryo thymus skin, medulla clear, similar to adult rat thymus. The fourth pair of pharyngeal endoderm occurred only for the gill body, does not participate in the formation of the thymus.