1978年以前瑞典没有发生过分支杆菌性颈淋巴结炎病,由于1975年起全国停止接种卡介苗,1978年Wickman报告了10个病例,从而怀疑是否因此而引起了这种“新病”。 1978~1981年作者们经治21例,其中男孩13例,女孩8例。平均年龄为31个月,(最小13月,最大60月)。所有病例均未接种卡介苗,除2例为双侧性外,其余均为一侧颈部无痛性肿块,6例有窦道形成。14例曾作穿刺活检,病理诊断为非特异性炎症,但与结核性淋巴结炎相似。胸部X线检查均正常。14例培养出鸟型分支杆菌,其中2例在培养8周后才有菌落生长,药物敏感试验对链霉素、PAS、异菸肼、乙胺丁醇和利福平均有抗药性。7例培养阴性。
Since 1978 there was no mycobacterial cervical lymphadenitis in Sweden. Since BCG was stopped nationwide in 1975, Wickman reported 10 cases in 1978 and wondered if this “new illness” was caused. From 1978 to 1981, the authors treated 21 cases, of which 13 were boys and 8 girls. The average age is 31 months (minimum 13 months, maximum 60 months). All cases were not vaccinated BCG, except two cases of bilateral, the rest are painless mass on one side of the neck, 6 cases of sinus formation. Fourteen patients had a biopsy, pathologically diagnosed as non-specific inflammation, but similar to tuberculous lymphadenitis. Chest X-ray examination were normal. 14 cases of Mycobacterium avium were cultured, of which 2 cases had colonies growth after 8 weeks of culture. Drug susceptibility tests were equally resistant to streptomycin, PAS, isoniazid, ethambutol and rifampicin. Seven cases were negative.