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隋朝是中古时代的一个变革时期,吏也在此时发生了划时代的变化。主要表现在隋朝中央文官机构内文书胥吏系统的初步形成,胥吏绝对数量的增多,与官相比地位的下降,以及胥吏问题的突出等,种种现象显示出胥吏群体在官僚机构中的突显,是官吏分途进程中的一个重要环节。隋完成统一、加强中央集权的措施导致中央机构文书处理量剧增,直接刺激了政府中专门以文书为务人员即文书胥吏的发展,同时南北朝以来的流内、流外之分,隋三省制的形成等共同构成隋朝胥吏发生上述变化的历史背景。 Sui Dynasty is a period of change in the Middle Ages, officials also epoch-making changes took place at this time. Mainly manifested in the Sui Dynasty Central Civil Service official document system clerk system initially formed, the increase in the absolute number of clerks, the decline in status compared with the official, as well as the problem of clerk prominence, etc., all kinds of phenomena show that the clerks in the bureaucracy In the highlight, is the process of official separation process an important part. The completion of the reunification of the Sui Dynasty and the intensification of the centralization of state power led to a drastic increase in the handling capacity of the clerical machinery in the central government and directly stimulated the development of the clerical staff as the clerical clerk in the government. At the same time, the internal and external flow points of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, The formation of the system together constitute the history of the above-mentioned changes in the Sui Dynasty Xu Li.
道德的困惑  中国传统道德是沉淀于悠悠历史之河的金石,历经千淘万漉,而越发精纯:中国传统道德是经时间细磨的宝剑,任凭星斗轮回,而历久弥坚。它们是中华民族的宝贵财富,是国人的精神向导,不管何时,在何种情况下,我们都应铭记并遵守我们的传统道德。  有人曾说中国人缺乏宗教信仰而荒蛮无道。若真如此试问国人修身洁行,何以为绳墨?我们自有我们自己的精神尺度,指引着我们的进与退,权衡我们的舍与得,这样才得以把几
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