
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttklwoyaosha
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随着我国社会经济的不断发展使得我国建筑的数量不断增加,而人们在生活水平不断提升的基础上对建筑的质量也有了更高的要求,而测绘工程作为建筑工程中的重要环节其质量将直接影响着建筑工程的整体质量。本文将结合实际情况对测绘工程中的常见问题以及改进措施进行分析,旨在为今后的测绘工作提供有力的参考依据。 With the continuous development of social economy in our country, the number of buildings in our country keeps increasing, and the quality of buildings is also higher on the basis of the continuous improvement of living standards. However, the quality of surveying and mapping projects as an important link in building engineering Directly affect the overall quality of construction projects. This article will analyze the common problems in surveying and mapping projects and the improvement measures based on the actual situation so as to provide a powerful reference for the future surveying and mapping work.
【摘 要】学生诗歌鉴赏题失分较多,让学生明确如何读懂诗歌、清楚答题思路,结合2011年各地高考题和教学实践,谈一点做法。了解文学常识:题目、作者、知人论世、注释;读全诗,解大意:把握意象、体会意境、品味情感;首颔颈尾,四联解读;炼字炼句、艺术特点、归纳概括。   【关键词】文学常识 意象 意境 情感 炼字炼句 艺术特点  日常语文教学中,纵观学生的试卷,失分较多的总有诗歌鉴赏。为何总收效甚微?原