1994年,我市水产业进一步深化改革,发展步伐明显加快,成绩斐然。 水产品产量大幅度提高。1994年全市水产品总产量达到5308吨,比1993年增长19.3%,是八十年代末以来增幅最大的一年。养殖产量达到4943吨,比1993年增长18.8%。捕捞产量达365吨,是改革开放15年来产量最高的一年。 养殖面积扩大。1994年坚持开发与改造并举的方针,大力加强渔业基础建设,取得显著成效。新建鱼池66公顷,改造鱼池130公顷,全市养鱼水面达到1927公顷。鱼池基础条件明显改善,为高产稳产打下了良好的基础。养殖
In 1994, the aquaculture industry in our city further deepened the reform and significantly accelerated the pace of development. Aquatic product output increased significantly. In 1994, the city’s total output of aquatic products reached 5,308 tons, an increase of 19.3% over 1993, the largest increase since the late 1980s. Aquaculture production reached 4943 tons, an increase of 18.8% over 1993. Fishing output of 365 tons, is the reform and opening up the highest output in 15 years. Breeding area expanded. In 1994, we adhered to the principle of both development and transformation and vigorously strengthened the fishery infrastructure and achieved remarkable results. New fish pond 66 hectares, transformation of 130 hectares of fish ponds, the city’s fish surface water reached 1927 hectares. The basic conditions of fish ponds have been significantly improved, laying a good foundation for high and stable yield. Breeding