Our hospital recently admitted a hypertonic non-diabetic diabetic coma patients, due to failure to timely diagnosis, resulting in death. To learn lessons and learn from the clinical colleagues, special report is as follows. Male, 46 years old, hospital number 5676. Due to fatigue, dizziness, weakness, anorexia, sweating and nausea began five days ago. Admitted to hospital on February 11, 1981. After onset no fever, vomiting. Urine less urine normal. Past physical health, no history of various acute and chronic diseases. Physical examination: body temperature 36.2 ℃, pulse 52 beats / min, blood pressure 140/80 mm Hg. Shen Qing, weight loss, serious illness, mild dehydration, no rash and cyanosis, sclera no yellow dye, superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. Head and neck no abnormalities. Heart-lung negative. Abdomen soft, not large liver and spleen. No pain in the kidney area. No positive neurological system found. Laboratory tests: 14 grams of hemoglobin, 4880000 erythrocytes, white blood cells 8400, 79% neutral, lymphatic 19%, mononuclear 2%, ESR 8 mm / h. Normal urinary excretion, urine qualitative 2 negative. Chest through (a). ECG: sinus bradycardia. Liver and spleen ultrasound findings normal. Admission