【摘 要】
Demand and ownership of automobiles have shown a trend of accelerated growth in China since the start of the new century. Actual car ownership for 2000, 2001 a
Demand and ownership of automobiles have shown a trend of accelerated growth in China since the start of the new century. Actual car ownership for 2000, 2001 and 2002 were 16. 0891 million, 18. 0204 million and 20. 5317 million, which grew at an annual rate of 10. 73% , 12% , and 13.94% respectively. Car ownership this year is ex-
Demand and ownership of automobiles have shown a trend of accelerated growth in China since the start of the new century. Actual car ownership for 2000, 2001 and 2002 were 16. 0891 million, 18. 0204 million and 20. 5317 million, which grew at an annual rate of 10. 73%, 12%, and 13.94% respectively. Car ownership this year is ex-
A novel terbium complex using 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative as a neutral ligand was synthesized and characterized. Its thermal stability and photoluminescent prop
故障现象1:开机面板电源指示灯亮,无光栅。 分析与维修:根据故障现象,首先检查送给行输出的45~135V这一路电源是否正常。经检测,果然是这一路电源无输出。测试T2次级方D9正常
Rayleigh and Hyper-Rayleigh scatterings(HRS) from the nano-particle SnO2 were measured. It is found that as the concentration of the colloidal SnO2 or radiation
贺龙对体育工作“两手抓” 1952年11月,贺龙担任国家体委主任后,决心把新中国的体育事业搞上去。他特别重视抓乒乓球运动。为了尽快把乒乓球运动搞上去,贺龙在抓国内队员的选拔和训练的同时,把目光投放到了香港。香港有几个乒乓球运动员的水平很高,名次排在世界前列,如傅其芳、容国团等。傅其芳和容国团后来先后回到大陆,提高了中国乒乓球运动的水平。 1956年初,贺龙亲自找傅其芳谈话。在询问傅其芳的学