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“星星之火可燎原”。在赏石的道路上,总有一些明灯不断照亮着我们前进的道路,不断给我们以启示,让我们走得更顺畅,走得更快捷;也是这些明灯,才成就了今天赏石界的大发展与繁荣。《赏石四部曲》就是这样一盏明灯,“掌灯人”即是台湾赏石名人林维宽老师。林老师是《宝藏》的老朋友,曾任台湾中华赏石文化协会秘书长,编辑出版了戈壁石专辑石谱《大漠藏珍》,现为柳州“千水雅石中心”负责人,专职两岸雅石精品收藏交流、藏馆空间设计企划咨询及雅石布局展演艺术指导。从林老师的经历中,我们不难看出,走南闯北的他对赏玩、布局、展示有着丰厚的理论基础和实践经验,这次能邀请林先生撰写《赏石四部曲》一飨石友,实为幸事。《赏石四部曲》共分为了解赏石、正确赏石、艺术赏石、完整赏石四部分,循序渐进,详细地介绍了有关赏石文化的方方面面。话不多说,让我们共享这饕餮盛宴! “The spark of the stars can start a prairie fire.” There are always a few bright lights on the path of viewing the rocks that constantly illuminate our path of advancement and continue to give us enlightenment so that we can go more smoothly and go faster. It is also these beacon lights that have made today’s stone appreciation community Great development and prosperity. “Stone Quartet” is such a beacon, “palm lights ” that is Taiwan’s most famous rock star Lin Weikuan. Mr. Lin is an old friend of Treasure. He used to be the Secretary General of Taiwan Chinese Rock Culture Association, edited and published the Stone Treasure of Gobi Desert, “Tibetan Treasure in the Desert,” and now is the principal of Liuzhou Full-time cross-strait Yashi boutique collection exchange, Tibetan Museum space planning design consulting and Yash Stone layout art director. From Mr. Lin’s experience, we can easily see that he has a rich theoretical basis and practical experience in the field of play, layout and display. He could invite Mr. Lin to write a book titled “The Stone Treasures” Fortunately. The “Stones of the Stone” is divided into four parts: understanding the stone, the correct stone, the art of viewing the stone, and the complete appreciation of the stone. It introduces all aspects of the stone culture in a step-by-step manner. Without further ado, let’s share this gluttonous feast!
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