双泉乡位于济南市长清县南部,辖4个办事处、48个行政村,人口3.1万,总面积93.5平方公里。“双泉”乡得名于风景如画的双泉庵,境内有泰山姊妹山——马山,有许多奇妙的神话传说,山顶耸立着各式各样的庙宇和大小各异的石碑,山间有透门洞、穿心洞、海蚌洞、连环洞等奇异景观。每年农历三月初三为马山庙会,此时正值春暖花开之际,游人络绎不绝。 该乡资源丰富,蕴藏量大,主要有铁矿石、花岗石、钾长石、木鱼石、蛭石、矿泉水等,号称“八石一沙一水”。据勘测,铁矿石储量5000万吨以上,花岗石3.5亿立方米,
Located in the southern part of Changqing County, Jinan City, Shuangquan Township has 4 offices and 48 administrative villages with a population of 31,000 and a total area of 93.5 square kilometers. The “Shuangquan” township is named after the picturesque Shuangquan Temple. There is a sister mountain of Mount Tai - Mashan. There are many wonderful myths and legends. The top of the hill stands various temples and steles of various sizes. There are exotic sights such as door openings, heart-holes, jellyfish caves, and chain holes. Every year on the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar for the Mashan Temple Fair, this time when the spring blooms, visitors are in a constant stream. The township is rich in resources, large reserves, mainly iron ore, granite, potassium feldspar, wooden fish stone, vermiculite, mineral water, etc., known as “eight stone one sand and one water.” According to the survey, the iron ore reserves are more than 50 million tons and the granite is 350 million cubic meters.