4月27日,河北省保定市满城县的一个小山村——龙居村迎来了不同寻常的一天。来自北京、天津两大都市的部分女“村官”一行 30多人正徜徉在春意盎然、一片生机的绿色之中。这是一个三面环山的小山村,此时正值春日,满目绿色。寂静的山村因为“村官”的到来而热闹起来。大家落座在简陋的村委会办公室里,饶有兴致地听着该县妇联主席李秀敏的介绍。之后,一行人又登上海拔800多米的大西梁山顶,只见
On April 27, Longju Village, a small mountain village in Mancheng County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, ushered in an unusual day. A group of more than 30 women and “village officials” from the two major metropolitan cities of Beijing and Tianjin are making their way into the spring with full of vigor and vitality. This is a hill village surrounded by mountains, this time coincided with the spring, all over the green. The quiet mountain village is bustling with the arrival of “village official.” Everyone was seated in the shabby village office, with great interest in listening to the introduction of Li Xiu Min, chairman of the county’s women’s federation. Later, a pedestrian boarded the Dasiliang Peak more than 800 meters above sea level, saw