徽州这块钟灵毓秀之地,自古文化昌盛、物华天宝,涌现出一大批才华横溢的人物,清代中叶凌廷堪即是一位卓越的戏曲理论家、音乐理论家,在中国戏曲发展史上占有一定地位。 凌廷堪生于公元1750年(乾隆十五年),字次仲,又字仲子,徽州歙县沙溪人,六岁时,父病故,家境日渐败落,母亲王氏把希望寄托在廷堪身上,卖掉金银首饰供其读书,但由于积蓄日益耗尽,生活更为窘迫,廷堪只好辍学在家,不久去一家商店当“朝奉”,勉强维持生计。 廷堪有着强烈的上进心,不因环境困难而废读,而是一边做生意,一边攻研诗词文章,一个偶然的机会,他在朋友家里见到一本词综唐诗别裁集,爱如珍宝,带回家中日
In the ancient city of Huizhou, there are a lot of talented people emerging from the ancient culture and rich in nature. In the middle of the Qing dynasty, Ling Tingkan was an outstanding opera theorist and music theorist, occupying a certain position in the history of Chinese opera development . Ling Ting was born in 1750 AD (Qianlong fifteen years), the word Zhong, Zi Zi, Pixian Shaxi people, at the age of six, the father died, the family gradually declining, his mother Wang pinned his hopes Tingting In the body, they sold gold and silver jewelery for their study. However, as savings grew more exhausted and their life was more embarrassed, Ting Kan had to drop out of school and soon went to a shop as a shrine to barely support her livelihood. Ting Kan has a strong motivated, not because of environmental difficulties and read, but while doing business, while studying poetry articles, by chance, he saw a friend at home, Treasure, bring home China and Japan