畸胎瘤来源于多能的胚胎细胞,好发于卵巢和睾丸,偶可见于颈、纵隔、骶部、松果体及腹膜后等部位。原发于舌部的畸胎瘤极为罕见,我院于1991年收治1例,报道如下。 患者,男,35岁。一年前发现舌前部有一米粒大小赘生物,无痛,逐渐增大;近一月,在肿物表面长出一根白色毛发,拔掉后又重新长出,遂来就诊。检查:一般情况可,心肺腹部未查出阳性体征,头颅、面、躯干、四肢及外生殖器均无异常发现。口腔局部体征:舌运动自如,距舌尖1.5cm处舌背上有1.5cm×1.5cm×1cm大小的卵圆形包块,边界清楚,质地较硬,活动度差,轻微触痛,表面呈乳白色,长有一根白色毛发,长0.8cm左右。临床以舌部良性
Teratoma derived from pluripotent embryonic cells, occur in the ovary and testis, even seen in the neck, mediastinum, sacral, pineal and retroperitoneal and other parts. Primary teratoma in the tongue is extremely rare, our hospital in 1991 admitted to a case, reported as follows. Patient, male, 35 years old. A year ago, there was a grain of rice in front of the size of neoplasm, painless, gradually increased; in January, the surface of the tumor grew a white hair, unplug and then grow again, then came to the clinic. Check: The general situation can be, did not detect positive signs of cardiopulmonary abdomen, skull, face, trunk, limbs and genitals were no abnormal findings. Oral local signs: tongue movement freely, 1.5cm away from the tip of the tongue 1.5cm × 1.5cm × 1cm on the tongue back of the oval mass, clear boundary, the texture is hard, poor mobility, tenderness, the surface was milky white , Has a long white hair, about 0.8cm long. Clinical tongue to benign