日常生活中,我们可以通过看、闻、摇、摸等简易方法来识别各类油料: 一、看 不同的油料有不同的颜色。如溶剂汽油无色;车用汽油呈淡黄色或浅红色,煤油为无色或淡黄色;轻柴油为茶红色,油面发蓝;重柴油呈棕褐色;齿轮油为黑色或墨绿色;在比较油料颜色时,最好选用大小相同,无色的玻璃瓶盛装,以便比较鉴别。 二、闻 汽油有较强的刺激性气味,一部分人闻后有想呕吐和头胀晕的感觉;煤油有弱刺激气味,闻后无不良反应;柴油无明显气味;机油有酸味;齿轮油有焦糊味。
In daily life, we can identify various types of oil by simple methods of looking, smelling, shaking, touching and so on: First, we can see that different oils have different colors. Such as solvent gasoline colorless; car gasoline was light yellow or light red, kerosene is colorless or light yellow; light diesel is red tea, oil surface blue; heavy diesel oil was brown; gear oil black or dark green; When comparing the color of oil, it is best to use the same size, colorless glass bottles for more identification. Second, the smell of gasoline has a strong irritating smell, some people smell vomiting and head dizzy feeling; kerosene has a weak stimulus smell, no adverse reactions after the smell; diesel no obvious smell; oil sour; gear oil have Scorched taste.