妇女产后以宫内避孕器(IUD)避孕者,均在产后12周以上才放置。因为过去认为产后4~8周放 IUD,子宫穿孔率较高。新加坡(1970)报告放环子宫穿孔率,在产后4~8周放置者1.8%(80/4371),而产后8周以上放置者0.4%(7/1673)。Tietze 等指出产后12周后较产后12周内放 IUD 的妊娠及脱环率为低,因出血及疼痛而取环者则较高。本文作者自1963年常规在产后4~6周作产后检查时放 IUD,没有因此增加子宫穿孔或其它不良后果率。作者认为过去的报告以环形 IUD 为主,这种 IUD 与目前广泛用的铜 IUD 的大小及形状不
Women who have contraceptives for intrauterine device (IUD) postpartum are placed above 12 weeks postpartum. Because in the past that put IUD 4 to 8 weeks postpartum, uterine perforation rate higher. Singapore (1970) reported a percutaneous uterus perforation rate of 1.8% (80/4371) at 4 to 8 weeks postpartum and 0.4% (7/1673) at 8 weeks postpartum. Tietze, etc. pointed out that postpartum 12 weeks postpartum IUD IUD release within the pregnancy and the rate of the ring is low, due to bleeding and pain while the ring is higher. The authors have routinely placed IUD postnatal examinations 4 to 6 weeks postpartum since 1963, without increasing the rate of uterine perforation or other adverse consequences. The author believes that the past report to the main ring IUD, IUD and the current widespread use of copper IUD size and shape is not