更年期(ohmacteric),是女性从生育功能旺盛走向衰退的过渡时期。1994年世界卫生组织在日内瓦召开的专题会议统一了有关绝经期使用的名词及定义。更年期是指40岁左右开始出现内分泌、生物学变化与临床表现,至停经后12个月内。自然绝经(natura menopause)指卵巢内印泡用尽,或剩余的卵泪对促性腺激素丧失反应,不再发育和分泌雌激素而刺激内膜生长,月经永久停止来潮。
Menopause (ohmacteric), is a transition from fertility to decline. The special session of the World Health Organization held in Geneva in 1994 harmonized the terms and definitions used in menopause. Menopause refers to the age of 40 began to appear endocrine, biological changes and clinical manifestations, to 12 months after menopause. Natural menopause (natura menopause) refers to the end of the print run out of the ovary, or the remaining tears on the loss of gonadotropin response, no longer develop and secrete estrogen and stimulate endometrial growth, menstrual permanent stop trend.