患者,男,31岁。因阵发性腹痛伴呕吐2天,曾排水样及和液血便8次,按“菌痢”治疗无好转,于1987年1月7日入院。既往史:2年来发现右下腹包块,时有腹部隐痛。于5岁时发现口唇有色素沉着斑;7岁时因直肠、肛门息肉行电灼切除;18岁时因回肠套迭行肠切除、肠吻合术。否认家族有肠息肉病史。体检下唇、口腔粘膜有较密集的黑色斑点。面颊部亦有散在性分布。斑点边界清楚,平滑,不隆起、点状或椭圆形,直径 1-5mm。腹胀,右下腹有压痛,脐右下方可触及7×5cm肿块,实而偏软,压痛,肠音亢进,可闻及气过水音。入院后经胃肠减压、中药复方大承气汤灌肠,
Patient, male, 31 years old. Due to paroxysmal abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting for 2 days, she had had a drainage sample and bloody stool for 8 times. She was admitted to hospital on January 7, 1987. Past history: In the past 2 years, a mass was found in the right lower abdomen, which caused abdominal pain. At the age of 5, it was found that the lips had pigmentation spots; at the age of 7 years, the rectum and anal polyps were excised by electrocautery; at the age of 18, the bowel was removed and the bowel resections and intestinal anastomosis were performed. Denies family history of intestinal polyps. Physical examination of the lower lip, oral mucosa has more dense black spots. The cheeks are also scattered. Spot boundaries are clear, smooth, not uplifted, punctiform or elliptical, with a diameter of 1-5mm. Abdominal distension and tenderness in the right lower abdomen. A 7×5cm mass can be touched in the lower right side of the umbilicus. It is actually soft, tender, and hyperintestinal sounds. After gastrointestinal decompression and Chinese medicine compound Dachengqitang enema after admission,