The stomach gifted music Department with pre-ovariectomized fourth gastric mucosa total extract developed compound capsules. The fourth stomach of the lamb contains the pyloric gland that secrete alkaline mucus, which contains a variety of bioactive components such as pepsin, pepsinogen, rennin and its zymogen, cathepsin, animal protein factor, Castle’s internal Factor, mucin, nitrogen-containing mucopolysaccharide and nitrogen-containing oligosaccharides. Because of its multi-active ingredients, it can promote secretion and digestion of gastric juice, and is used to treat digestive diseases such as gastrointestinal dyspepsia, infantile spilled milk, vomiting and indigestion diarrhea. The goods by the Xinjiang Food Company, Nanjing Pharmaceutical College, Urumqi, biochemical pharmaceutical factory successfully developed. The Xinjiang Medical College first and second Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Autonomous Region People’s Medical