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为确保抗日战争的物资供给,国民政府内迁至重庆后的首要任务便是动员上海的资本、工厂内迁。然而由于战时需求陡增,上海的纱厂获得了空前利润。此时内迁至环境恶劣的国统区违反了资本家的意愿,实现起来困难重重。后方地区生产设施短缺,加之战后沦陷区民众内迁,日本封锁内地经济,国统区棉制品需求激增,进而引起了物价上涨、通货膨胀。于是棉业统制成为国民政府战时经济统制的核心,通过农本局、平价购销处、物资局等机构推行统制政策,投放储备棉,欲藉此保障供给、平抑物价。然而资本家不仅不积极配合,反而勾结投机。太平洋战争爆发后,日本更加强了对中国的经济封锁,花纱布价格飙升,黑市猖獗,市场一片混乱,国民政府对棉业的控制流于失败。由此可见,抗战时期的国家权力和纺织资本家之间存在着激烈矛盾,从那时起,资本家对国民政府的支持和协助就已经开始动摇。 In order to ensure the supply of supplies during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the primary task after the KMT government relocated to Chongqing was to mobilize capital and factories in Shanghai. However, due to the sharp increase in demand during wartime, Shanghai’s mill has gained unprecedented profits. At this point, the move to the hostile Kuomintang area violated the wishes of the capitalists and achieved great difficulties. Shortages of production facilities in the rear areas, coupled with the influx of people in the occupied areas in the post-war period, Japan’s blockade of the economy in the Mainland and the surge in the demand for cotton products in the KMT Central Area led to rising prices and inflation. Therefore, the cotton industry became the core of the Kuomintang government’s wartime economic control system. Through the Nonghyup Bureau, the Parity Department, the Materials Bureau and other agencies, the government implemented the control policy and put on reserve cotton. In order to protect the supply and stabilize the price, However, capitalists not only failed to cooperate actively but also colluded with speculation. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japan further strengthened its economic blockade on China. The price of gauze soared, the black market was rampant, the market was in turmoil, and the national government failed to control the cotton industry. From this we can see that there was a fierce conflict between state power and textile capitalists during the war of resistance against Japan. Since then, capitalists’ support and assistance to the national government has begun to falter.