Mao Zedong pointed out: “The cause of war aside from the tasks of organizing and educating the army, organizing and educating the people, it is the use of the army for fighting and everything for victory in battle.” (Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 2, No. 461 Page) National defense education for the reserve army is a strategic event that “organizes and educates the people.” National defense education for the reserve army is determined by the functions of national defense education. For the purpose of national defense, education as a means of national defense education will not only enable educates to enhance their national defense concepts, learn and master the necessary national defense knowledge and skills, but also exercise the vital physical strength needed to defend the motherland and resist aggression. Because national defense education is a comprehensive and comprehensive education. The reserve army must truly achieve what the ancients said “being prepared for danger in time for peace of mind, having prepared and prepared thinking,” and must receive education related to national defense in all aspects of morality, intelligence and physical fitness. This kind of education is also a planned activity of developing human resources and raising the national quality and has become a