引进时代活水 提升语文素养——2012年岳阳市中考语文试题简析

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2012年岳阳市中考语文试题的特点是,试题与学生近了,与时代近了,与言语近了。命题者意在引导学生对母语的热爱,检验学生真实的语言积累情况与听说读写能力,让时代的脚步声回荡在考场里,让试卷真实记录时代的足迹。一、凸显双基试题第一卷中语言积累与综合运用有27分,第二卷中选做题3分,主要目的是考查学生的基础知识与基本能力。选词填空、语病判断、语序排列、诗文默写等,基本保持了前两年的题型与分值,其中前三个考点以客观题的形式呈现,在某种意义上适当降低了学生答题的难度。 2012 Yueyang test language test questions is characterized by questions and students near, and the times are near, and the language is near. The proponent is intended to guide students ’love of their mother tongue, test the students’ true language accumulation and ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that the footsteps of the times can be echoed in the examination room so that the papers can truly record the footprints of the times. First, highlighting the first two volumes of questions in the first volume of language accumulation and comprehensive use of 27 points, the second volume of the election to do 3 questions, the main purpose is to examine the students’ basic knowledge and basic ability. The choice of words to fill in the blanks, language disease judgment, word order, poetry, etc., the basic maintenance of the previous two questions and scores, of which the first three test sites in the form of objective questions presented in a sense appropriate to reduce the student’s answer Difficulty.