English Learning Tips 英语学习的小窍门

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  Here are a number of English learning tips to help you improve your English. Choose a few English learning tips to get started today!
  ◆Ask yourself weekly: What do I want to learn this week?
  Asking yourself this question every week will help you stop and think about what is most important to you. It is easy to focus1 only on the current2 unit, grammar exercise, etc. If you take a few minutes to stop and set a goal for yourself every week, you will notice the progress you are making and, in turn, become more inspired by how quickly you are learning English! You will be surprised at how this feeling of success will encourage you to learn even more English.
  ◆Quickly review important new information shortly before going to bed.
  Researches have shown that our brains process information that is fresh in our brains while we sleep. By shortly (this means very quickly—just a glance3 at what you are working on) going over some exercise, reading, etc. before you go to sleep, your brain will work away on this information while you sleep!
  ◆While doing exercises and alone at home or in your room, speak English aloud.
  Connect the muscles4 of your face to the information in your head. Just as understanding the basics of tennis does not make you a great tennis player, understanding grammar rules do not mean you can automatically5 speak English well. You need to practice the act of speaking often. Speaking of yourself at home and reading the exercises you are doing will help connect your brain to your facial muscles and improve pronunciation and make your knowledge active.
  ◆Practice listening for five to ten minutes at least four times a week.
  In the past, I decided I needed to get fit and went jogging—usually three or four miles. Well, after not having done anything for many months, those three or four miles really hurt! Needless to say, I did not go jogging for another few months!   Learning to understand spoken English well is very similar. If you decide that you going to work hard and listen for two hours, chances are that you will not do extra6 listening exercises any time soon. If on the other hand, you start off slowly and listen often, it will be easier to develop the habit of listening to English on a regular7 basis8.
  ◆Look for situations in which you must speak/read/listen to English.
  This is probably the most important tip. You need to use English in a “real world” situation. Learning English in a classroom is important, but putting your English knowledge into practice in real situations will improve your fluency9 in speaking English. If you do not know of any “real life” situation, create new ones for yourself by using the Internet to listen to the news, write English responses in forums10, exchange emails in English with email pals, etc.
  1. focus [■] v. 集中;聚焦
  2. current [■] adj. 现在的;最近的
  3. glance [■] n. 一瞥
  4. muscle [■] n. 肌肉;力量
  5. automatically [■] adv. 自动地;无意识地
  6. extra [■] adj. 额外的
  7. regular [■] adj. 定期的;有规律的
  8. basis [■] n. 基础;基本原则或原理
  9. fluency [■] n. 流利;流畅度
  10. forum [■] n. 论坛
摘 要 教育激励理论主要是对初中生进行鼓励,要想激发出他们的学习主动性和激情,保障他们的学习质量和效果。教师在展开激励教学的时候,需要针对初中生展开正面评价,逐步提升他们的学习热情。初中生属于学习活动的主人,教师需要提升他们主人翁的认知,让他们对具体的学习活动充满激情,实现成绩方面的突破。基于此,本文主要针对教育激励理论在初中班级管理中的应用展开探究分析。  关键词 教育激励理论 初中 班级管理
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编者注:为了提高同学们的英语写作水平,使大家在中考中立于不败之地,应广大师生的要求,我们开辟了“学生习作名师点评”栏目。同学们如果想让自己的英语习作得到名师的点评,请邮寄给我们。老师们如果发现自己学生的优秀习作需推荐的话,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。  【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4.
编者注:很多学生都害怕把外语大声说出来,为什么?是害怕犯错吗?或者是害怕尴尬的沉默?不管是什么原因,大多数外语学习者都有这样的尴尬和恐惧。那么我们能做些什么来减少这种情况呢?  ◆Use voice recordings  Nobody likes to hear themselves on a recording. Unfortunately if you want to improve you