1.作业前应详细交待安全注意事项; 2.作业时应有专人监护。监护人员应随时提醒工作人员注意安全,发现不安全动作及时纠正,必要时可停止其工作; 3.应穿戴好符合安全要求的防护用品,如防护眼镜、绝缘胶靴、工作服、手套等; 4.使用工具必须用绝缘材料包扎,防止造成接地或短路;
1 pre-job should explain in detail the safety precautions; 2 operation should be supervised. Guardians should always remind staff to pay attention to safety, found that unsafe actions in a timely manner to correct, if necessary, to stop their work; 3. Should wear protective equipment in line with safety requirements such as protective glasses, insulating rubber boots, overalls, gloves, etc .; Use tools must be wrapped with insulating material to prevent grounding or short circuit;