近三年来,青岛大学医学院附属医院在以党委书记王大文及院长苗志敏为首的院领导班子带领下,采取在稳定中推进改革,靠改革推动医院发展的经营战略,“向服务要市场、向人才要动力、向管理要效益”,医院各项事业得到全面发展,成为山东省卫生战线的排头兵,为全国同行业所瞩目。为此,记者专程采访了该院改革的总策划、年轻有为的苗志敏院长。 走进青岛大学医学院附属医院,记者感
In the past three years, the Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Qingdao University, under the leadership of the leadership led by party secretary Wang Dawen and dean Miao Zhimin, has adopted a business strategy of promoting reforms and promoting hospital development through reforms. “To the service market “To motivate talents and to manage them,” the hospital has achieved all-round development and has become the vanguard of the health front in Shandong Province, attracting the attention of the entire nation. To this end, the reporter made a special interview with the master plan of the reform of the hospital and the young and promising Dean Miao Zhimin. Into the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University School of Medicine, a reporter