孔子讲“富而后教” ,致富要与文化教育相结合。讲富民 ,是说要与人民共同富裕。富 ,不能丢掉教育 ,也不能忘掉民众。董仲舒认为两极分化容易使社会动乱 ,为了稳定社会 ,必须进行调均。调均 ,主要指政府官员除了领取俸禄之外 ,不应该有别的收入 ,不论正当与不正当。官员不能与民争利、争业。司马迁主张政府对人民的生产不要干涉太多 ,要宽松一些。他认为政府只能在适当的时候做一些教育、引导的工作。他认为官商垄断市场 ,是与民争利的突出表现 ,应当彻底纠正。他赞扬生产致富 ,允许运输和经商致富 ,反对不合理、不合法的“奸富”。
Confucius said “rich and then teach”, enrichment and culture and education combined. To talk about enriching the people means to make common prosperity with the people. Wealth, we can not lose education, we must not forget people. Dong Zhongshu believes that polarization will easily lead to social turmoil. In order to stabilize the society, it is necessary to carry out the adjustment. Tune average, mainly refers to government officials in addition to receiving salary, there should be no other income, both legitimate and improper. Officials can not compete with the people and fight for business. Sima Qian advocated that the government should not interfere in the production of the people too much, and should be more relaxed. He believes that the government can only do some education and guidance at an appropriate time. In his opinion, monopolizing the market by officials and businessmen is a prominent manifestation of competing with the people and should be thoroughly rectified. He praised the “richest people” who were rich in production, allowed transportation and business to get rich, and opposed unreasonable and illegal law.