1982~1983年,国立职业安全和卫生研究所(NIOSH)对南达科他州和威斯康辛州的一些工厂进行了矽肺检查,结果如下: 南达科他州的三家工厂是以长石、石英和云母片为原料,经粉碎和碾磨后,生产陶器,水晶玻璃和沥青板。在47名在职工人中,5人(11%)的胸片按1971年国际分类标准诊断为矽肺;在20名曾在那里工作、接触史至少1年的工人中,4人(20%)诊断为矽肺。长石加工厂中可吸入粉尘中的石英含量为6%,云母片加工厂为8%,石英加工厂为38%。工所场所中累
From 1982 to 1983, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted silicosis examinations in a number of plants in South Dakota and Wisconsin. The results are as follows: Three plants in South Dakota were produced from feldspar, quartz and mica flake, Crushed and milled, the production of pottery, crystal glass and asphalt board. Of the 47 active workers, 5 (11%) had chest radiographs diagnosed as silicosis according to the 1971 International Classification; among 20 workers who had been working there for at least one year, 4 (20% Diagnosed as silicosis. The fines content of respirable dust in feldspar processing plants is 6%, mica flakes processing plants are 8% and quartz processing plants are 38%. Workplace tired