【摘 要】
由国家计委立项、甘肃省计委组织实施、甘肃稀土集团公司投资 4 830万元建设的我国第一条高纯氧化铕产化示范工程项目 ,2 0 0 2年 8月下旬通过了甘肃省有关部门和专家组织的
由国家计委立项、甘肃省计委组织实施、甘肃稀土集团公司投资 4 830万元建设的我国第一条高纯氧化铕产化示范工程项目 ,2 0 0 2年 8月下旬通过了甘肃省有关部门和专家组织的竣工验收。该项目是国家计委授牌的百项“高技术产业化示范工程”之一 ,工艺采用北京有色金属研究总院和
The project commissioned by the State Development Planning Commission and the Planning Commission of Gansu Province organized the implementation of the first demonstration project of high-purity europium oxide production in China, with an investment of 48.3 million yuan invested by Gansu Rare Earth Group. In late August 2002, it passed Gansu Province The relevant departments and expert organizations of the completion of acceptance. The project is one of the “100 High-tech Industrialization Demonstration Projects” awarded by the State Development Planning Commission. The technology adopts Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute and
作 者篇 名期页·庆祝《冶金能源》创刊二十周年·领导与专家为《冶金能源》题词祝贺………………………………………… 1 5~ 7庆祝《冶金能源》创刊二十周年同贺单位…
Stew with hot water, taste more fresh. Because of
The magnetization of dense MgB2/Ta/Cu wires prepared by the powder-in-tube method is measured by a SQUID magnetometer. The results indicate that the critical te
怎样有效地清洁您的眼镜 如果您的眼镜需要全面彻底地清洁,我们建议用微温的水和中性的液体肥皂清洗,并用干净的棉布擦干。 需要注意的是避免使用含脂肪多的肥皂。它们会留
Haixin No.5
This paper analyzes the reason why the coke ratio is too high after the no-bel
随着职工工资收入的不断增长和家庭金融资产的不断增加以及金融诈骗活动的日益猖撅,如何防范家庭金融风险也就显得非常重要。笔者就此谈些粗浅认识。 一、不要随便借钱给别