【摘 要】
1. HAVING eaten labazhou, a kind of rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Spring Festival was fast ap
1. HAVING eaten labazhou, a kind of rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Spring Festival was fast approaching. After I finished my college education and became a public servant, it was not easy for me to ask for leave. So, when I walked along the road to my native village, it was already the 24th day of layue(the twelfth lunar month).
1. HAVING eaten labazhou, a kind of rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Spring Festival was fast approaching. After I finished my college education and became a public servant, it was not easy for me to ask for leave. So, when I walked along the road to my native village, it was already the 24th day of layue (the twelfth lunar month).
在德国城镇乡村的各个公共场所,经常可以看见一些无人看管的自动化设施,令我们这些异国客人产生兴趣,受到启发。 种类繁多的自动售货机,星罗棋布,遍及城乡的各种公共场所,被
四面山的水秀媚、静幽。 四面山的瀑雄奇、美观。 四面山苍茫林海的翡翠世界中,镶嵌着十几泓晶莹的澄湖。有的像明镜,有的似新月,有的宛若纤折的玉带…… 每一位游人无不为
Wu Lizhu, 54, of Changli. Hebei Province, is a graduate of the department of traditional Chinese painting at the Central Institute of Fine Arts. Her teachers h
凡到四面山的人,都是为了领略她原始、古朴、野趣迷人的自然景观。而我到四面山,一半是观景,一半是为品尝那诱人的山野小吃。 早就听朋友介绍。四面山有独特的乡谷味浓的山
This exquisite bronze object is a combination wine container and water container. It was excavated from the tomb of Zeng Houyi, a prince of the State of Zeng.
当石匠打开一尊巨岩时,里面的东西让他不禁大吃一惊:那有鼻子有眼的东西不是人么? 他吓得撒腿就跑,一口气跑了好远好远,突然想起那个人还戴着一顶帽子,一个灵念跟着蹦了出来: