
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkd
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关于玉米小斑病菌的寄主范围,国际上曾发表不同看法的文章。为了澄清这一问题,我们在温室人工接种条件下,分别用小斑病菌O与T小种接在14个属的24个种或品种的禾本科植物上,以玉米作对照寄主。试验结果表明,除了草地早熟禾、法兰西黍外,均能产生病斑。病斑平均面积不超过1平方毫米。在大多数供试植物上,O小种病斑的数量和面积均比T小种为多而大。其中白茅、虎尾草、升马唐、纤毛鹅冠草、稗子是过去没有报道过的。此外,从北京、天津、辽宁、浙江等省、市的玉米地内外的禾本科杂草和水稻自生苗上,分离而获得的菌株。根据在玉米、水稻和其他禾本科杂草上的侵染反应,以及分生孢子的形态特征,都与小斑病菌O小种相类似。这进一步验证了在温室人工接种试验的结果是可靠的,同时还表明小斑病菌在田间除玉米寄主外,尚有其他禾本科植物寄主。白茅、稗子、升马唐、止血马唐、狗尾草和蟋蟀草是新的自然寄主。 With regard to the host range of the P. xylostella, articles have been published in different international perspectives. In order to clarify this issue, we inoculated with greenhouse seedlings under the conditions of artificial, respectively, and S minor leafworm O and T species were connected to 14 genera of 24 species or varieties of grasses, corn as a control host. Test results show that, except for the grass bluegrass, French millet, can produce lesions. The average lesion area does not exceed 1 square millimeter. In most of the tested plants, the number and size of O-like spots were larger and larger than those of T-species. Among them, Imperata cylindrica, Chloris virgata, Crabgrass, Cilia grass, weeds have not been reported in the past. In addition, strains isolated from grass weeds and self-propagating rice seedlings inside and outside corn fields in Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Zhejiang and other provinces and cities were isolated. Infection with corn, rice and other grass weeds, as well as morphological features of conidia, are similar to the O. hyoroplasia O race. This further validates the results of the artificial inoculation test in the greenhouse is reliable, but also shows that in addition to the host of wheat leaf spot, there are other gramineous host. Imperata cylindrica, barnyardgrass, rosemary, hemostatic crabgrass, green foxtail and cricket grass are new natural hosts.
食根金花虫是水稻上的重要害虫之一。查江西,湖南等省这种害虫是很多的。这种害虫是属於鞘翅目的金花虫科。它的学名是Donacialenzi Schonfeldt。它的幼虫生活於泥土层内,不
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“两角徒目长,空飞不服箱,为牛竟何益,利吻穴枯桑。”这是古代诗人苏东坡对天牛的一首讽刺诗篇。也可借以说明天牛类害虫自古就有广泛的发生,为害树木,引起诗人的关注。 “
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