
来源 :地震学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijiuliangaijujun
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以1960年5月智利瓦尔迪维亚(Valdivia)MW9.5地震为例分析震后不同时期的形变,实现了以Burgers体为粘弹介质模型来模拟震后粘弹松弛效应有限元数值模拟.计算结果表明,该粘弹介质模型可以模拟地震引起的瞬时同震弹性响应及震后粘弹松弛的短期和长期响应.由1960智利MW9.5地震震后模拟的应变率显示以Burgers体为粘弹介质模型可以解决Maxwell体在模拟震后短期和长期形变不协调问题. Taking the Val9.0 Earthquake in Valdivia, Chile, May, 1960, as an example, the deformation in different periods after the earthquake was analyzed. The finite element numerical simulation of the viscoelastic relaxation after the earthquake was simulated using the Burgers body as the viscoelastic medium model. The calculated results show that the viscoelastic medium model can simulate the short-term and long-term responses of instantaneous coseismic elastic response and post-earthquake viscoelastic relaxation induced by earthquakes.The simulated strain rate after the earthquake in 1960 in Chile MW9.5 shows that the Burgers body is sticky The elastic media model can solve the problem of Maxwell body’s short-term and long-term deformation inconsistency after simulated earthquakes.
———1———  刘成斌是河南郑州人,她家对面的那条街上,有一个军营,大门口一年四季都立着一位笔直的哨兵。刘成斌从小就看着那个哨兵,虽然不知换了多少人,但他们站立的姿势总是一样的。而从哨兵身边进出的军人也总是一样的,挺着腰板,不苟言笑。不知不觉,刘成斌就喜欢上了这些特别的“邻居”,喜欢上了从那里进出的人。到了谈婚论嫁的年龄,她虽然没明说,心里却暗暗地盼望,找一个穿军装的人。  2006年夏天,有朋