说明文:Join a club

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  Wondering how it might be good for you to join a club? While this list is by no means complete, it can give you some great reasons.
  Get out and do something
  Many children spend too many hours in front of the TV watching senseless shows or playing video games. A club gives these children an opportunity to explore more varied, and healthier, activities.
  Keep out of trouble
  Studies show that after-school hours, the “witching hours” are more dangerous to children than night-time hours. Taking part in an after-school club reduces children’s risks of becoming interested in drugs or alcohol, getting pregnant or committing crimes.
  Meet people / Make friends
  Joining a club gives children a comfortable place to meet others with similar interests. This often forms the basis for lifelong friendships.
  Learn new skills
  Children who take part in a variety of activities are introduced to new skills and given a chance to develop them. As children realize they “can do”, their self-confidence grows.
  Learn teamwork
  Many activities require children to work together towards a common goal. Whether they’re trying to win a game or complete a community service project, children learn to work as a team.
  Develop independence
  By taking part in clubs, young children learn to be outside of their family. Older children learn skills and values that will carry them through to their adult lives.
  Leadership / Responsibility
  Children have the chance to make their own decisions and elect officers. They learn to lead, follow and carry their part of the responsibility.
  So, you’ve decided to find a club? If so, you should read Extracurricular Learning (English) about it. And don’t forget to learn more about the types of clubs that are to be continued here.
导读:快乐的秘诀其实就是要全身心地接受自己,无论是缺点还是优点。生活中我们无法避免要面对恐惧、悲伤、焦虑等各种或积极或负面的情绪。对于这些情绪我们不能抵制,抵制就会导致挫败感,快乐就无法实现。  “When I had nothing to lose, I had everything. When I stopped being who I am, I found myself.”—Paulo C
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