2月初的大阪,虽不似北海道那样冰天雪地,但海风吹来,却也是阵阵清寒。街上路人稀少,行色匆匆。而大阪英德克斯展馆的两个人展厅却是灯火通明,人群熙攘,热闹非凡。原来,这时正在举行一年一度的大阪钓具展览会。记者应日本《钓鱼周刊》社和大阪钓具协会的邀请,有幸参观并采访了这次盛会。 记者一到大阪,即受到了日本《钓鱼周刊》社董事长小西和人先生的热情接待。小西和人先生介绍说,’96
Osaka in early February, though not as earth-shattering as Hokkaido, was breezed by the sea breeze. Rare few passers-by on the street, color hurry. However, two exhibition halls in the exhibition hall of Intimex in Osaka are brightly lit with crowds and crowds. Originally, at this time is holding the annual Osaka fishing tackle exhibition. At the invitation of Japan’s “Fishing Weekly” and Osaka Fishing Tackle Association, the reporter was lucky enough to visit and interview this event. As soon as the reporter arrived in Osaka, he was warmly received by the president of Japan’s “Fishing Weekly”, Mr. Kohei Kazuhito. Introducing Mr. Yoshio Heiji, ’96