知情——绿茵动态,了然于胸 枪手股价露玄机 一个可怕的传闻近来在阿森纳球迷中四处散 播——阿森纳即将步曼联后尘易主更张,而能够 证明此消息的最有力证据就来自于股票市场的异 常走势。自去年9月以来,阿森纳的股票价格就一 直直线攀升,如今每买入单位已由1500英镑飚升 至4600英镑。而这很容易让人联想到一个极其相 似的景象,当初曼联俱乐部在被收购以前也曾出 现股票大幅攀升的局面。有理由揣测,一只看不 见的手或许正一点点伸向海布利。 阿尔卑将迎来大“手术” 就在“AC米兰即将修建新球场”的消息被各方强 烈关注之际,不甘寂寞的尤文图斯也决定出来凑 趣。尤文的首席执行管吉拉乌多近日亲口透露,俱 乐部即将对阿尔卑球场进行一次大规模修缮:“经过 这次重建,我们将拥有一个五星级的球场设施,届 时我们的票房收入将是现在的4倍。这一切将在两年 内完成,重建后的球场将会迎来一个新的名字。” 罗马决意卖掉“坏孩子” 在经过一番讨价还价之后,大失所望的罗马
Acknowledgments - GREEN DYNAMICS, PLEASE DOUBLE FOR A FRIEND This is a terrible anecdote recently circulated around Arsenal fans. Arsenal are about to move to Manchester United, and the most powerful proof of this is coming from Abnormal trend in the stock market. Since September last year, Arsenal’s stock prices have been rising steadily, and now the buying unit has risen from 1500 pounds to 4600 pounds. And this is very reminiscent of a very similar scene, the original club Manchester United had also been in the acquisition before the stock has seen a sharp rise in the situation. There is reason to speculate that an invisible hand may be extending a bit to Highbury. Alba will usher in a large “surgery” Just as “AC Milan is about to build a new stadium,” the news was strongly watched by all parties, the unwilling Juventus also decided to come out and take the coupon. Juventus CEO Giula Udo recently said himself that the club is about to make a massive renovation of the Alpine Stadium: “After this reconstruction, we will have a five-star stadium facilities, when our box office revenue will be now Four times .This will be completed within two years, after the reconstruction of the stadium will usher in a new name. ”Rome is determined to sell the“ bad boy ”After some bargaining, the disappointed Rome