失学是学生因家庭困难、疾病等失去上学机会,或中途退学。而在我们干部队伍中,特别是在部分政工干部中也有失学现象,这种现象不是客观原因失去学习机会,而是主观上放松了学习知识,还振振有词强调一些理由:如文化低不会学;年龄大不必学;工作忙不能学;经验多不用学等等。如此日复一日,年复一年,部分政工干部因失学逐渐暴露出知识更新跟不上、思想认识跟不上、工作方法跟不上。这是一个“不学习,要落伍”的危险信号,应弓l起足够的重视。 政工干部别失学是适应形势的需要。当前,我们处在改革的攻坚阶段、发展的关键时期和史无前例的知识经济时代,并即将跨入充满机遇和挑战的21世纪。在世纪之交的重要时期,能否抓住机遇,迎接挑战,开拓进取,有所作为,这对各级干部是严峻的考验。在瞬息万变的新时代,政工干部面临着许多新课题,思想政治工作的环境、条件、任务、方法也随之发生了许多新变化。真是形势喜人,形势逼人,形势
Out-of-school students are out of school because of family difficulties, illness, etc., or drop out of school. In our ranks of cadres, especially some politicians and cadres also have the phenomenon of absence from school. This phenomenon is not an objective reason to lose the opportunity to learn. Instead, it subjectively relaxes the learning knowledge and also gives some reasons to emphasize: low culture can not learn; Do not have to learn at an early age; work can not learn busy; do not learn more experience and so on. So day after day, year after year, some political cadres gradually fail to keep up with the updating of knowledge due to being out of school, and can not keep up with their thinking and work methods can not keep up. This is a dangerous signal that “you do not want to learn or you want to be left behind.” You should pay enough attention. Political and cadres do not study abroad is to adapt to the needs of the situation. At present, we are at a crucial stage of reform, an important period of development and an era of unprecedented knowledge-based economy. We are about to enter the 21st century full of opportunities and challenges. At an important juncture of the turn of the century, whether we can seize the opportunities, meet the challenges, make progress and make achievements can be a severe test for cadres at all levels. In a rapidly changing new era, political cadres are faced with many new topics. Many new changes have taken place in the environment, conditions, tasks and methods of ideological and political work. Really gratifying situation, the situation is pressing, the situation