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作者从莲品种调查着手,根据1979年以来所收集的我国主要莲品种100余种的观察记载的结果,探讨我国莲品种系统分类的方案。认为莲的品种分类,既以进化的观点为根据,也要考虑到生产应用上的需要,这是莲品种分类的基本原则。莲之主要用途为第一级分类标准,分为子莲类,花莲类,藕莲类等三大栽培类型;莲的花型分类决定于雄蕊、雌蕊、花托的瓣化和花瓣的自然增加,莲之花型分类为第二级标准,分为单瓣、半重瓣、重瓣、重台、千瓣等;第三级标准为花色。再参照其余各级标准,提出了莲品种分类新系统的建议,归纳为22个品种群。 Based on the investigation of lotus varieties, the author, based on the observations of more than 100 species of major lotus species collected in China since 1979, explores the classification of lotus species systems in China. It is considered that the classification of lotus species is not only based on the viewpoint of evolution, but also takes into account the needs of production and application. This is the basic principle of lotus species classification. The main use of lotus for the first level of classification criteria, divided into the lotus class, Hualien class, lotus lotus and other three major types of cultivation; lotus flower classification is determined by the stamens, pistils, Torus petals and natural increase, Lotus flower type is classified as second-level standard, divided into single, semi-double, double, heavy Taiwan, a thousand, etc .; the third level for the color. Then with reference to the rest of the standards, proposed a new system of lotus species classification, grouped into 22 varieties.
摘要:未来社会中,只有能与人合作的人才能获得生存空间;只有善于合作的人,才能赢得发展。一个懂得合作的孩子成人后会很快适应工作岗位的集体操作并发挥积极作用,而不懂合作的孩子在生活中会遇到许多麻烦,产生更多困难并且无所适从。本文阐述了幼儿合作意识及合作能力的有效培养。  关键词:幼儿;合作意识;合作能力;培养  现在,独生子女已经成为这一代的主要潮流,爸爸妈妈的宠爱,爷爷奶奶捧为掌上明珠,使他们养成了