这里是世界文明的交汇点,这座城市曾经来过许多人,又走了许多人:雄才大略的东罗马帝国皇帝、做着发财梦的十字军骑士、笃信伊斯兰教的土耳其苏丹,乃至痴迷清真寺里每一片瓷砖的现代游客。他们是博斯普鲁斯海峡里的一朵浪花,为这座古城增添了神韵。 这里是横跨欧亚的土耳其最大城市——伊斯坦布尔。博斯普鲁斯大桥和法第赫大桥有如亚洲大陆伸出的两只钢铁手臂,将伊斯坦布尔紧紧抓住,任凭马尔马拉的洋流从中间穿过。年复一年,日久弥坚。 这里是拜占庭的古都,是罗马艺术和东方艺术的巢窟。东罗马帝国繁荣时期,君士坦丁大帝将都城迁到黑海之滨、欧亚大陆的交汇处后,就将它命名为君士坦丁堡。当西欧还沉沦在愚昧无知的黑暗时,君士坦丁堡的海上贸易已经非常发发达,人口越来越多,形成了自成一体的文化艺术风格,创造出许多艺术珍品。
Here is the meeting point of the world civilization, the city has come to many people, and went a lot of people: the mighty East Roman Empire emperor, made a fortune Crusader knights, devout Islamic Islamic Turkey, and even obsessed mosque Every piece of tile modern tourists. They are a spray in the Bosphorus that adds charm to this ancient city. Here is the largest Turkish city in Europe and Asia - Istanbul. Bosphorus Bridge and Fatih Bridge, like the two steel arms stretched out on the Asian continent, take Istanbul firmly in the middle, while the ocean current of Marmara runs through it. Year after year, as time goes by. This is the Byzantine ancient capital, the Roman and Oriental art of the nest. In the prosperous period of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantine the Great named it “Constantinople” after it relocated the capital to the Black Sea coast and the Eurasian Continental Interchange. When Western Europe was still sinking in the darkness of ignorance, Constantinople’s maritime trade has developed very rapidly with a growing population, forming a self-contained culture and art style and creating many art treasures.