A film directed by two professors is being shown in the United States and Japan. The two film makers are Ryukyus University pedagogical Ph.D. Jiaoliang charge and Melinda University psychology Ph.D. Kevin? Fulu Laen. To make them interested in filming is the ancient and often abusive Chinese abacus. Abacus is an ancient Chinese people in the long-term social practice invented and created a science and technology. For more than a thousand years, it has played an active role in social life such as finance and trade, economy and education. It is still welcome today. In recent years, Japan, the United States, Brazil, India and other countries have flooded one stock of “hot balls.” Japan has regarded abacus as a ’national treasure’ because it has four or five centuries of history since its introduction into China. After studying the functions of abacus calculation, education and medicine, the United States also introduced it as a ’new culture’. Leo Lijiade, a professor of mathematics at California Polytechnic University, thinks ’abacus’