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为了改变乡镇档案干部不稳定的状态,搞好乡镇档案工作,湖南省南县档案局根据县委办公室和县政府办公室联合下发的“给专、兼职档案员颁发聘请书”的规定,今年为乡镇档案干部颁发了聘请书,订立了合同。由于采取了这一措施,全县二十三个乡镇档案干部得到了稳定,促进了档案工作的平衡发展。他们的具体做法是: 一、颁发聘请书。今年以来南县档案局征得县人事部门的同意,给乡镇档案员都颁发了聘请书,并下达了通知。不少乡镇接到通知后,主动给县档案局打电话,表示要共同管理好档案干部。档案员接到聘请书后也异常高兴,奔走相告。三仙湖乡的档案员在接到聘请书的第一天,就向乡 In order to change the unstable status of township archives cadres and do a good job of archives work in towns and villages, the County Archives Bureau of Hunan Province issued a “Invitation of Appointment to Part-time Special Founders and Part-time Archivists” in accordance with the regulations issued by the County Party Committee Office and the County Government Office this year. File cadre issued a letter of appointment, entered into a contract. Thanks to this measure, the cadres of archives and cadres in 23 townships in the county have been stabilized and the balanced development of archives work has been promoted. Their specific practices are: First, the issuance of a letter of appointment. Since the beginning of this year, the County Archives Bureau has obtained the consent of the personnel department of the county, issued a letter of appointment to the township archivists, and issued a circular. After receiving the notice, many towns and villages took the initiative to call the county archives, saying that they should jointly manage the archives cadres. Archivist was also very happy after receiving the invitation, ran to tell. Sanxianhu Township archivists in the receipt of the first day of employment, to the township
这是曾局长一九六○年一月十三日在全国省档案馆工作現場会上所作总結的一部分。 This is part of the summary made by Secretary CHENG on January 13, 1960, at the scen
(一) 分级立卷还是以问题为主立卷?目前立卷问题讨论会正在热烈地争论着。主张分级立卷的人,认为不分级、打乱级别、以问题为主混合立卷的缺点很多:第一是破坏了文件的自然
Ignition delay times of methane/hydrogen/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures with hydrogen amount-of-substance fractions ranging from 0–20% were measured in a shock tube