This article explores the debate between “regulating constitutional law” and “political constitutional law,” especially the review of the two versions of political constitutionalism in order to reveal the underlying logic behind it. This article will first explore the core elements of political autonomy as a modern political life and, on this basis, examine the limits of a highly all-embracing political constitutionalism. Second, this article will explore the nature of the legal order as a mechanism of expression of the will of mankind, and to correct Chen Duanhong’s political constitutionalism. In the end, this paper will re-analyze the concept of the classical country in order to propose a theory of national morality, and thus regard the morality of the country as the “political ” that is “domestication ” that will not be subject to its own constraints at any time. And then clarify the legal order and virtue as two indispensable mechanisms for the self-restraint of the state. This is precisely Kantian political constitutionalism, that is, the basic purpose of a self-legislative political constitutionalism.