2003年5月底,广西某市报告发生不明原因疾病暴发疫情。经过4 d的流行病学调查和实验室诊断,即确认为一起流行性乙型脑炎暴发疫情。现将调查结果报告如下。1资料与方法1·1资料来源:传染病监测资料、计划免疫相关资料来源于该地疾病预防控制中心,患者相关资料来源于当地救治患者
By the end of May 2003, a city of Guangxi reported an outbreak of unexplained disease outbreak. After 4 days of epidemiological investigation and laboratory diagnosis, it was confirmed as an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis. The survey results are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Source: Infectious Disease Surveillance Data, Planned Immunization Relevant Information Sourced from the CDC in this area, patient-related data were sourced from locally treated patients