Picochip近日推出其下一代picoXcell ~(TM)家用基站系统级芯片系列的首款产品PC3008,该款器件专为大批量及成本敏感的各种消费应用而优化。原始设备制造商(OEM)和原始设计制造商(ODM)借助这款器件可以在诸如U盘大小的超小体积中构建基站。
Picochip recently introduced the PC3008, the first PC3008 family of next-generation picoXcell ™ home base station system-on-chip devices optimized for mass-market and cost-sensitive consumer applications. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) With this device, base stations can be built in an ultra-small form factor such as a USB stick.